Umit Kartoglu, MD, DPH

MEAwards / Population Council, 1991
A study on the applicability of self-completed questionnaires in data collection in Istanbul women

International Union for Health Promotion and Education, 1992
Best presentation "Effectiveness of Midwives in Health Education", 2nd European Conference on Health Education and Health Promotion, May 14-16, 1992, Athens, Greece

IQPC, 2010
Europe Cool Chain Excellence Award: Shake test study, Pharmaceutical cold chain management on wheels course
27-28 January 2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Ludwig Rajhman Public Health Award, 2011
For “Validation of the shake test for detecting freeze damage to adsorbed vaccines” published in Bull World Health Organ
National institute of Public Health, Warsaw, Poland

Temperature Controlled Logistics Leaders for 2012, IQPC
IQPC's Temperature Control Logistics & Quality Network, an international industry peer group recognizing 15 of the most influential and inspiring thought leaders in global pharmaceutical supply chain

Ludwig Rajhman Public Health Award, 2013
For “Structural damages in adsorbed vaccines affected by freezing” published in Biologicals
National institute of Public Health, Warsaw, Poland

Hermes Creative Awards (Gold), 2015
E-learning category
e-Pharmaceutical cold chain management course

MarCom Awards (Platinum), 2016
E-book category
Pharmaceutical and Vaccine Quality Illustrated

Hermes Creative Awards (Gold), 2018
E-book category
Quality Risk Management Mental Modelling: Examples of exposure in everyday life

Hermes Creative Awards (Platinum), 2019
E-book category
Go Authentic: Activities that support learning

MarCom Awards (Platinum), 2019
E-book category
The Book of VVM: Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow

MarCom Awards (Platinum), 2021
Digital media/Web element/Infographic category
COVID-19 Risk Map

Muse Creative Awards (Silver) 2022
Gelecek icin gecmisi okumak: Pandemik notlar

Hermes Creative Awards (Gold), 2022
E-book category
Gelecek icin gecmisi okumak: Pandemik notlar